It seems absurd but laughing is really a serious thing for the well-being of our bodies. Clown Therapy is increasingly present in the wards of …
Colds In The Newborn, Remedies And Useful Advice
The cold spares no one, not even the newborn, and How to deal with it? Let’s see some remedies and some valuable tips. The cold …
Brief excursus into the world of Music Therapy
Music Therapy, The journey into the world of art therapy continues: after a general overview of art therapy and after entering to give an overview …
Bronchitis In Children: Causes And How To Cure It
Here are some tips on best-treating bronchitis in children naturally and mildly, understanding the causes, and how to prevent it. Sleepless nights, mucus coming out …
Varicose Veins Are Not Only An Aesthetic, But Especially a Health Problem
Varicose veins are perceived by most people primarily as an aesthetic problem. But the unattractive-looking rough veins in the legs are more than just an …
Why Do Not I Lose Weight And Lose Weight? What’s Wrong
Some thoughts we do during diet and do not have the result we want. What is really wrong? Why do not I have the results …
Intermittent Fasting For Volume
Building muscle mass while losing fat. How is it done? Intermittent fasting has become very popular in recent years due to its multiple health tips …
Should You Train On An Empty Stomach?
In the modern world, more and more people prefer to lead a healthy lifestyle , to have a beautiful and fit body . Unfortunately, not …
Effective Ways To Speed Up Wound Healing And Improve The Appearance Of The Scar
Wound healing is a multiphase process in which several regenerative and repair processes are activated in the body. To some extent, it occurs naturally due …
Zinc – A Mineral Of Minerals
An element that is in the last places alphabetically in the list of minerals, but in the leading places necessary for our body – zinc. …