7 reasons Why You Are Still Tired. How To Have More Energy?


You lie in bed at the same time every night and responsibly have at least 8 hours of sleep each night. Do you still feel permanently tired?

The feeling of constant fatigue may not only be due to a lack of sleep, but also a busy lifestyle, the use of medication or a more serious health problem.

Don’t wait for fatigue to affect your daily functioning, but start looking for the cause as soon as possible.

These are the 7 most common reasons why you may feel eternally tired.

7 reasons why you are still tired

There can be several reasons why you feel tired nonstop.

Some of them can also be more serious, such as an undiscovered disease that you have no idea about.

However, these are often less serious causes that will cause you to lose your energy in life.

1. Lack of (quality) sleep

Lack of sleep is the most common and common reason why you can feel constantly tired and without energy. It can be a short-term, but also a long-term to chronic problem.

We can talk about a short-term problem after a sleepless night, when you catch up with the sleep deficit the next night and the next few days you go full speed again.

However, if the nights are repeated and you feel tired, destroyed, without energy and zest for life every day, the problem with insomnia can be long-lasting and easily grow to chronic. This condition very often has a negative effect on your mental as well as physical health.

If you are aware that you are sleeping too little or poorly, waking up several times during the night, focus on improving the quality of your sleep .

Treat yourself to at least 7.5 – 8 hours of quality sleep every night . Try to make your bedroom the perfect place to rest and remove all the elements that could disturb your sleep.

2. Everyday stress

Everyday stress , lots of activities, all-day flying and a carousel of responsibilities can also be the reason why you are always tired, even if you get enough sleep.

If you live a hectic lifestyle and you don’t have time to sit down for a while during the day, you are running out of energy reserves. In addition, even the stress hormone cortisol does not add up to your mental or physical well-being. But quite the opposite.

Learn to relax during the day, take breaks to help you increase your efficiency at work. When you get home, forget about work, “don’t” take it home with you and definitely don’t think about it in bed in the evening.

Various meditation exercises or increasingly popular yoga will help you with “turning off” your head and mind.

3. Insufficient drinking regime and dehydration

The drinking regime is very important for a person, as the functioning of our body and how we feel during the day also depends on it.

If our body is deficient in fluids, dehydration occurs, which first manifests itself in the body, and then it makes itself known by feeling thirsty. Thirst can therefore not be described as the primary manifestation of dehydration. But quite the opposite.

Know that if you are already feeling thirsty, it is a manifestation of a higher degree of dehydration of your body.

In addition to the feeling of thirst, dehydration is manifested by several accompanying symptoms, such as malaise, apathy, confusion, disorientation or increased fatigue.

So if you feel constantly tired during the day, think about drinking plenty of fluids. You should drink at least 2 liters of clean water during the day.

At least because the amount of water your body needs during the day also depends on your body weight. Therefore, if your weight is higher, you should drink more than 2 liters of fluid a day. The drinking mode calculator will help you with a specific amount .

4. Unsuitable diet – Beware of carbohydrates!

What you feel during the day is greatly influenced by what you consume. Surely you have once experienced a situation where you were tired and without energy after a hearty lunch, and the only thing you wanted was to take a nap, at least for a while.

If your diet is not balanced and carbohydrates dominate it, the reason for your all-day fatigue may be right here. Foods high in carbohydrates increase the glycemic index, which results in an increase in blood sugar.

Along with sugar, energy also increases, but as it increases rapidly, it also decreases quickly and there is a feeling of fatigue and exhaustion.

Therefore, be careful when consuming sweets as well as fatty foods.

Another reason for fatigue during the day may be that you do not have breakfast in the morning. A balanced breakfast can get off to a great start and kick off your energy. It will ensure you concentration and better performance at work throughout the morning.

And what to have for breakfast ? Experts recommend consuming a breakfast consisting of protein and fiber . Your breakfast plate should also contain healthy fats and complex carbohydrates.

5. You move a little

Lack of exercise can also be (paradoxically) the cause of your fatigue, especially if you have a sedentary job.

Regular, active movement increases the flow of blood in the body, which helps to transport the necessary nutrients and oxygen to the body.

Therefore, include more exercise in your days and try to exercise regularly.

6. Taking medication

Fatigue is a common side effect of many medications.

You may feel drowsy while taking painkillers or medicines for fever or allergy symptoms , as well as antidepressants.

Therefore, the correct timing of use is important. If drowsiness persists while following the recommended dosage and significantly interferes with your functioning, we recommend that you consult the doctor who prescribed the medicine.

7. Health reasons causing fatigue

If you sleep at least 8 hours a day, your sleep is good, you try to eat healthily and live an active lifestyle, but you are still tired for days, weeks, months, there may be a problem in your health.

The accompanying symptom of many diseases is just constant fatigue and a feeling of exhaustion. In connection with fatigue, we can most often talk about the following diseases:

Anemia – iron deficiency

Anemia is caused by a lack of red blood cells, which carry oxygen from the lungs to tissues and cells.

It can be caused by several factors, whether internal bleeding, blood loss, chronic disease, or a lack of important vitamins or iron deficiency.

You will know that anemia can affect you on the basis of constant fatigue, weakness, insufficient concentration or palpitations. Your agreement will be confirmed by a doctor based on a blood test.


Fatigue tends to bother diabetics very often.

The reason is usually uncontrolled blood glucose levels – high values ​​are accompanied by fatigue, among other things.

To diagnose diabetes , consult your GP, who will then refer you to a diabetes clinic.

Thyroid disease

The thyroid gland is an important organ that is responsible for the production of hormones that control metabolism. Hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism is most commonly referred to in connection with the thyroid gland.

Hyperthyroidism is an increased activity of the gland due to excessive production of hormones. Hyperthyroidism accelerates metabolism.

Hypothyroidism, in turn, results from reduced hormone production and a consequent slowing of metabolism.

And how do thyroid problems signify a person’s health?

If the thyroid gland does not function as it should, various complications occur, such as excessive sweating, palpitations, decreased performance, hair loss , and last but not least, fatigue.

If you suspect thyroid disease, you will also be accompanied by a general practitioner. In case of any findings or deviations, he will send you to the endocrinologist for further examinations.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory rheumatic disease that manifests itself primarily in inflammation of the joints, but is not an exception for other organs such as the heart, eyes, blood vessels or lungs.

The first symptoms of this disease include general weakness, fatigue, joint pain, swelling, …

Depression and mental health problems

Mental problems, including depression, are most often accompanied by loss of energy, fatigue, apathy, sleep problems, food intake, negativity, loss of interest and joy in life, and various chronic pains.

If you are not mentally well and suffer from some of the above symptoms, do not be ashamed to seek professional help.

Chronic fatigue / chronic fatigue syndrome

So, finally, we have chronic fatigue.

Its biggest symptoms are, of course, fatigue, mental and physical exhaustion, Migraine headaches and muscle aches, but also chest pain or fast heartbeat.

Problems with sleep and memory, inability to concentrate, confusion are also very common.

Direct diagnosis of chronic fatigue does not yet exist today, so the doctor must rule out all possible diseases with these symptoms before making a final diagnosis.

How to fight fatigue?

  • Treat yourself to a full sleep.
  • Learn to relax.
  • Follow the drinking regime.
  • Eat healthy.
  • Be active.


After all, fatigue doesn’t just have to be lazy. It can often be a symptom of a more serious health problem or inappropriate lifestyle.

If fatigue overcomes you day after day, do not underestimate it, but start looking for the cause.

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